
KIEV CoProduction Meetings: an Opportunity to Talk to Experts Personally

2 September 2014, 15:56

KIEV CoProduction Meetings in the course of KYIV MEDIA WEEK 2014 will take place in the Conference Hall of the Radisson Blu Hotel  (22,Yaroslavov Val St , Kyiv) on September 16, from 10 AM to 3 PM.

It’s worth reminding that KIEV CoProduction Meetings is the first content marketplace of our region designed for pitching and promotion of TV projects of different formats that look for co-production, as well as facilitate the co-production market in our region by allowing the local Producers to cooperate with international TV projects. It is also a platform for giving an impetus to co-production and its further development within our region thus enabling producers to find appropriate projects for international co-production.

KIEV CoProduction Meetings forum opens new vistas for producing new TV projects. It’s worth mentioning that two successful projects will be showcased in the course of KIEV CoProduction Meetings: Hinterland/Y Gwyll (TV series ,five party coproduction) and Mystical Tales (docudrama, three party coproduction). The projects’ producers and authors will share their relevant recipes for success with all the attendees.

The 2014 CoProduction catalogue contains 20 projects in a variety of genres with the nine of them to be presented at the pitching fixed for September 16. Producers of all the 20 projects will be available at KYIV MEDIA WEEK and all the participants will have an opportunity to contact them personally and discuss issues of relevance for co-production. 

Please register for KIEV CoProduction Meetings and find partners for your TV Projects. 

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