KYIV MEDIA WEEK presented for the first time a co-production event, which is unique for the territories of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and CIS countries - KYIV CoProduction Meetings, that is focused on theory and practice of international TV content co-production.
KYIV CoProduction Meetings at KMW – is the first content marketplace of our region designed for pitching and promotion of TV projects of different formats that look for co-production, as well as facilitate the co-production market in our region by allowing the local Producers to cooperate with international TV projects. KYIV CoProduction Meetings will become a new regular platform of exchange of experience, discussions and business networking in TV co-production process of the region.
KYIV Co-Production Meetings took place on 11 September 2013, Radisson Blu Hotel Conferecce hall.
TV Producers, TV stations, trade associations, production companies, studios and investment funds from Europe, CIS countries and Caucasus were invited to participation.
The work of KYIV CoProduction Meetings contained of 2 parts.
1 part – Discussion Panel – Speakers and Experts in co-production shared their experience and opinions on co-production situation in the region. Show case presentation.
Showcase – the successful experience of TV mini-series “The Spies of Warsaw” 2012. Coproduction of Apple Film (Poland), TVP (Poland), ВВС (UK), АRТЕ (France). Showcase keynote speaker - Dariusz Jablonski, CEO, Apple Film Production, Poland.
Experts and Speakers: Michael Grindon (USA), Dariusz Jablonski (Poland), Bjoern Erichsen (Euromedia, Denmark). Moderator of the session – Elina Nesterova (France)
2 part – Pitching of TV Co-Production Projects.
15 minutes presentation was given to each pre-selected Project (total number of projects – 6). During 10 minutes producer or director presented the materials, explained the project conception, production specifics, the potential of the project and expectations from co-producers. Additional 5 minutes – for Q&A.
Moreover, during KYIV MEDIA WEEK on September 11-13, potential Co-Producers had a possibility to arrange their meetings at the premises of Ukrainian Content Market and at Participants’ Lounge and Participant’s Club, by contacting in advance the participants of the event.
A digital catalogue of all projects for co-production, including those 6 selected for Pitching, is available here.
The list of participating Producers is available here.