The conference includes special workshop State financial support: myth or reality? Denis Rzhavsky the head of Ukrainian Motion Picture Association is the chief forum’s moderator. During this section media professionals of the leading CIS countries will share their experience. The list of the workshop expert-reporters comprises Anna Sharova, assistant director of Federal Fund for Social and Economic Support of the National Cinematography (Russia); Igor Savichenko producer of the studio Pronto Film (Ukraine); Svetlana Brilliantova PR-director of Federal Fund for Social and Economic Support of the National Cinematography (Russia); and many others. The following key issues are to be discussed in course of the section: aims and goals of state’s support of the film industry in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries; different sources and forms of the filmmaking grants; criteria and rules of the project selection in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries. The workshop will also raise questions concerning the factual results of national film investments in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries during the last year; final data of 2010-2012 period, main trends and new approaches in realization of the national funds for local film companies in the near future.
In course of the conference Russian media expert Anna Sharova, assistant director of Federal Fund for Social and Economic Support of the National Cinematography (Russia), will share her experience and will present her report covering such topics as: film fund 2010-2012; figures and facts; methods and forms of support of the national film organizations; criteria and rules of the project selection; the results of the fund activity 2010-2011, financial sources and budget for direct production and promotion support in Russia and abroad; special projects; main trends and new approaches in realization of the national funds for local film companies in the near future.
The full list of forum’s reporters and the conference program you can find on Film Business page.
The conference Film Business will be held on September 12, 2012 in the Radisson Blu hotel in the course of KYIV MEDIA WEEK in Kyiv
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